Sunday, July 3, 2011

freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better. - albert camus

Americans have the 
to CHOOSE to be happy, 
prosperous and healthy.
A birthright given to us by our fore fathers and clearly outlined 
in the Declaration of Independence.

The 4th of July is a time to reflect and appreciate all that we have
 of position, rank or material wealth. 
We have within ourselves 
the power to be ALL 
that we can be.
 How many of us choose to let opportunity pass us by? 
How many of us choose to blame others for our lack?

Many Americans that have had the opportunity to 
live in another country under another government can see all that we have. 
Many have said they didn't realize the opportunities that 
we have until they are no longer available. 
These past few years have enabled many Americans to see 
from this perspective as lives have been forced 
to change during the economic crisis.

This also could have a different perspective, one of 
opportunity to change for the better. 
Growing pains
 have never been easy 
but when we finally reach 
new levels of understanding, 
we can see how we are stronger and better for it. 
This is a time for new opportunity for Americans as 
individuals and as a nation to grow 
stronger and  better.

When you read the Declaration of Independence, 
our fore fathers had a dream and a vision of 
what they wanted to build for their children and future generations.
 As a nation, town or individual, 
we live today what they created yesterday.
 Of course, 
we are people united as one nation. 
We share in the joys and prosperities as well as the adversities. 
Ideal growth for an 
individual is to grow,
 become stronger and
 build on adversities 
when they arise. 

"Make lemonade 
when life hands you lemons". 

When we take the opportunity to use the 
challenges that life throws at us, 
to grow and learn from them verses 
throwing blame and anger onto others, 
we grow as a person and as a nation.

The power to change the future for a better nation 
starts with 
each individual. 
When we do our part as an individual 
we contribute to the growth and strength of our nation, 
building upon the hopes and dreams
 our fore fathers left for us. 
In turn, 
what we create today, 
we leave for our children.

When celebrating this Fourth of July, 
whether it's a Bar-B-Que with family or friends or watching the fireworks, 
take a moment to reflect. 

As you watch the fireworks bursting in the sky,
 be thankful that you have a CHOICE to be 
free, happy and live a prosperous life.

Whatever you choose to do with your holiday 
where this day came from and what it stands for.

Life, Liberty 

and the 

Pursuit of Happiness.

Click on image above if you would like to read the full transcript.

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